enhancing knowledge

"Children need role models, they need to see people in work"

The Early Years: Career Development for Young Children – A Guide for Parents/Guardians booklet is based on research findings from CERIC in 2017. The information within it is intended for parents to reflect upon career development and young children in the here-and-now.

This booklet presents parents’ and children’s perspectives about young children as they grow and make sense of their world, which includes the family, community, school, work, interests, hobbies, values, and preferences.

talk about work

The majority of educators agree that it is important for parents to talk about their work with their children and family.

gender bias

An overwhelming number of parents believe that children develop ideas of jobs for boys and other jobs for girls.


​"Parents in our study felt that participation in extracurricular activities had a lifelong impact on their children. They felt it supported the development of: team work, social skills, physical development, self-esteem, and self-confidence." 

age appropriate resources

"When children receive age-appropriate support from adults and peers, they are more likely to succeed and thrive in their current and future education/careers."

integrated learning

"The majority of parents believed that children should be learning about the world of work prior to school and during primary grades, and feel that it is important for young children to be knowledgeable about workers in their communities."